NPI Number Look-Up

At DataCaptive, we aspire to provide seamless connections to the healthcare community to develop dependable B2B relationships. Our NPI Code Lookup aims to establish a common platform that brings professionals from all walks of the medical, healthcare, and pharmaceutical industries together.
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NPI Number Lookup

What is an NPI Number Lookup?

NPI stands for National Provider Identifier. It is based on Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Standard (HIPAA). A unique 10-digit code is assigned to the covered healthcare providers by the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) across the US. It does not contain demographic information about the state where the healthcare provider practice. Yet, it remains unchanged if your name, address, taxonomy, or other information changes.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides this based on federal law (45 CFR Part 162)

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Frequently Asked Questions

A 10-digit numeric identifier which should be quoted in all financial and administrative transactions by the covered healthcare providers.

Individuals and Organizations meeting the definition of healthcare provider as described in 45 CFR 160.

  • Login to and check out your NPI.
  • Click on the NPI number and check the complete record, including the provider taxonomy codes.
  • If the taxonomy codes are accurate, there is nothing to worry about.
  • Incase of incorrect codes, sign into to keep track of our NPI and taxonomy code.
An organizational NPI is used for billing, an individual number is required for orders and referrals when working as a counselor. It is easy to apply for an NPI number and is absolutely free. Get the NPI number in 10 days when applied online.

It can be applied through NPPES online with a web-based application.

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